Policies and Guidelines

We strive to be transparent and consider it our responsibility to openly describe our operations, ensuring donors and partners that the money is always used in the best possible way in our battle against bullying.

Friends’ Privacy Policy

We care about your privacy and want you to feel safe when submitting your personal data to Friends.

For that reason, we have drafted a privacy policy that outlines how we ensure that your personal data is processed in accordance with the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) and our industry association, Giva Sverige (the Swedish Fundraising Council).

Friends registers the personal data of its donors in order to be able to communicate with them through different channels, as well as to be able to maintain a close relationship with each donor in a manner the donor prefers. Friends also saves application forms and other direct contacts.

Friends communicates with its donors through text messages, email and by post, depending on the information we have on each donor. We also communicate through our website and social media, such as Facebook and Instagram. The information may also be used for marketing purposes and statistics, as well as for following-up and developing our operations.

Friends processes your personal data when you:

  • donate (e.g. via a website, Swish, text message)
  • start a fundraising campaign or make a legacy gift donation, a donation in memory of someone or a donation on behalf of someone else
  • subscribe to our newsletter
  • receive targeted marketing from Friends for the purpose of analysis or exclusion
  • submit an application or contact us directly
  • order material
  • register for an event/seminar
  • buy products at an event/seminar
  • file a report when you suspect that a child is at risk

Friends chooses to store personal data in a donor database because we believe that this is in the best interests of each individual donor. Friends’ mission is to raise funds to work to prevent bullying, and to do so, the funds we raise must be used in the most efficient way possible.

By submitting information to Friends, you consent to Friends registering and storing that information, as well as processing your personal data for the stated purposes. The legal grounds for processing that are used by Friends include fulfilment of contractual obligations, legal obligations, legitimate interest or consent. When processing personal data relating to children, consent from a legal guardian is required. Currently, the age limit in Sweden is 13.

Processing is carried out in accordance with applicable law and means that personal data is not stored any longer than necessary taking into consideration the purpose of the processing.

Friends stores personal data for up to 36 months after the latest donation, in accordance with established practice in the industry and the Giva. This is because donation cycles can be fairly long. Application documents are stored for 12 months after completion of recruitment. When you order material, the data is deleted upon completion of the transaction. If you register for an event/seminar, Friends stores your personal data for the duration of the event and any follow-up, unless you actively sign up to receive additional information from Friends.

If the processing of your personal data is based on your having consented to processing, you have the right to withdraw that consent. To withdraw your consent, follow the instructions you received when you gave your consent or contact Friends using the information below.

Friends will not sell or permit any third party to use the personal data that has been collected.

The personal data you submit when donating will be linked with other databases (e.g. SPAR) in order to update addresses, obtain information about the deceased and to avoid duplicates in our database.

Friends may also disclose personal data to sub-contractors that process information on behalf of Friends, such as IT providers, printers, recruitment agencies and other potential partners. Friends is always liable for the processing of data.

Personal data may also be disclosed if it is required to:

  • comply with applicable law, regulation or legal process, or on request by official authorities
  • safeguard Friends’ legal interests
  • discover and prevent fraud, security problems or technical problems

Friends will always strive to store personal data within the EU/EEA: but personal data may be transferred to and processed in countries outside the EU/EEA by contractors and sub-contractors through cloud services, for example.

The personal data listed below is the information that Friends may collect when you donate or contact us about other matters. We may also supplement your personal data with your personal ID number, phone number and address, depending on the information we currently hold relating to you. Email address and banking information is something that you submit, and cannot be purchased.

Friends can also obtain access to addresses from contractors but in order for Friends to be able to access these addresses, the contractor must have clearly stated in their privacy policy that they are able to provide Friends with such access.

When selling products at an event, your personal data is stored and handled as a donation.

Otherwise, we may purchase addresses for prospecting purposes from recognised address providers such as SPAR, UC and Bisnode. In these instances, we comply with the terms and conditions that regulate private addresses.

  • First name and surname
  • Address
  • Personal ID number
  • Phone number
  • Email address
  • Post and bank giro number
  • Account number
  • Transaction date and amount donated
  • Latest donation
  • Notes on correspondence
  • Application documents


Friends has implemented the technical measures required to protect your personal data against unauthorised access, amendment and deletion.

Links to other websites

The Friends’ website may contain links to websites not operated or owned by Friends, where this privacy policy does not apply.

You have the right to find out what information we possess relating to you, correct any faulty information and delete information

According to the GDPR, you have the right to a document listing the personal data Friends has collected relating to you. You have the right to obtain such a document once a year, free of charge. The request must be made in writing, signed by you and sent to us by post (not email). Friends will contact you regarding the matter within 5-30 business days. The document is always sent to your official registered address. If the information is incorrect, incomplete or irrelevant, you have the right to request that the information is amended or deleted. You also have the right to decline direct marketing. Contact us at givarservice@friends.se. You can also direct your complaint to the Data Inspection Board at datainspektionen.se.

Changes to the privacy policy

If this privacy policy is amended, Friends will publish the amended privacy policy at friends.se with information about when the changes will take effect.

If Friends make significant changes to the privacy policy, Friends may choose to inform you in other ways, such as via email or by publishing an announcement on our website.

Controller and Data Protection Officer

Friends is the Controller. Corporate ID number 802408-7622, Dalvägen 14, 169 56 Solna, Sweden. The Data Protection Officer can be contacted via email: dataskyddsansvarig@friends.se.

You are always welcome to contact Friends. Switchboard: +46 (0)8-545 519 90 (Mon-Thurs 8:00-17:00, Fri 8:00-16:00), Lunch 12:00 -13:00. Email: givarservice@friends.se.

Friends’ policy for cookies

We use cookies. In accordance with the Electronic Communications Act, which came into force on July 25, 2003, all visitors to websites using cookies must be informed about their use. The visitor shall also be given an opportunity to stop cookies from being stored on their computer. A cookie is a small text file that is saved on your computer when you visit a website that uses cookies. Next time you visit the same website, it will read your cookie and display the pages in accordance with your settings. At friends.se, we use cookies for user customisation (such as preferred language) and for our statistics tool, Google Analytics. If you do not accept cookies being saved on your computer, you can change your browser settings to prevent cookies from being saved.



Friends complies with the Quality Code developed by Giva Sverige (the Swedish Fundraising Council). We also have a 90-account, which means that we are audited annually by Svensk Insamlingskontroll. That is how we maintain the public’s trust and ensure that our work is carried out in an ethical and responsible manner, and that our funds are used for their intended purpose.

Giva’s aim is to support giving and philanthropy giving in Sweden by improving the conditions for their members to fundraise in a trustworthy way.

Read more about Giva

Logo för branschorganisationen Giva Sverige där Friends är medlemmar.

Svensk Insamlingskontroll monitors organisations that have been granted a 90-account to ensure that they use at least 75 percent of their revenue for their intended purpose and that no more than 25 percent of their revenue is allocated to costs for fundraising and administration. Svensk Insamlingskontroll determines regulations and provides advice and instructions to holders of 90-accounts. The regulations and instructions must be followed by all organisations that are approved 90-account holders.